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How to Go About Putting the Finished Video Product on Your Website

So you have now made your video, but just how do you go about putting it on to your website? For many people, they have now found that using an eye catching video on their website has increased the chances that they will capture the interest of those that are visiting their site. Also, if you include video products within your web pages, then search engines will love it also. This will often result in your site being pushed up their search engine results.

There are number of ways in which you can use videos on your website, and below we discuss just some basic issues.

There are 2 options that are available to you when you are considering putting a video product on to your website. You can either let your visitors wait for the video to download completely before viewing, or you can use streaming techniques instead. The benefit to be had from using streaming techniques is that they video can be viewed while it is still downloading. In fact, streaming video products are becoming more and more popular on the internet today.

Although many of us think that the process of creating, editing and then uploading a video product to a website is difficult. If the truth be told, it does not take much time to do, and it is not that complicated at all.

But when making a video product you should pay attention to your bandwidth usage. The problem with making a video product is that they will eat up your bandwidth. Also, there are problems which can arise of a legal nature if you use video files which do not belong to you.

So when you are deciding about putting a video on to your website you should first think about if the value of the video will justify the time that you spend on preparing and then implementing it to your website. You will need to ask yourself the following questions.

1. Will the video that I am producing be of help to visitors to my website?

2. What technique will I want to use when it actually comes to implementing the video on to my website?

So, for example, if a person has a slow internet connection, then normally a 1mb video file will take approximately 5 minutes for them to download. So is the value of the information provided in your video product of a quality that a visitor to your site with a slow internet connection will be happy to wait for the product to download?

When ever you put a video on to your website, ensure that it is of the highest quality possible. It is important that it will not only add real value to your site, but also to those who will be looking at it also.