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What To Write About

The topic you choose absolutely must be your ultimate interest.

You'll be living with it day in and day out for years, so you need to be passionately devoted to the subject.

Usually, it's not hard. You probably already have a chosen field of endeavor, or have developed a keen interest in a special hobby or sport. Writing a newsletter is only one more way to demonstrate your vast knowledge and interest.

Study any newsletters within your interest you can find. You might want to talk to the publishers of a few to find out how they started and what troubles they encountered.

Consider JV'ing with them or paying them a consulting fee to help you get on your way. Take a look at all the trade magazines of the topic you'd like to work with.

Keep up with the current trends in health, money, sports, or social events and styles. What's new with the young people? Or the elderly? There are many retired people actively pursuing hundreds of various interests. How can you tap into that market?

Studying different publications and writing styles will inspire you in designing your own content.