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Social Bookmarking

If you do any blogging then you should be utilizing the power of social bookmarking. Social bookmarks are icon links or links to sites where users are able to save articles for themselves and share them with other users.
Social bookmarking sites store lists of Internet resources users have found useful by category, tags, or randomly. These bookmarked sites and pages can be shared with other people who have similar interests.
These links can also be organized by user defined keywords or tags (called folksonomy). Resources can be rated by users, include email links, have comments added, be sorted by popularity and algorithms that draw inferences from other keyword references, and participate in automated notification systems.
Social bookmarking links can be included in your press section and press releases.
Social bookmarking is a way for people to bookmark and share a web page with others. There are many social bookmarking services which allow users to add web pages to their bookmark list.

As a blog owner you benefit from having someone add a page from your site to their social bookmark list. Your web page then becomes search-able in the entire bookmark directory, which is available to all members of the service. People will also be inclined to share it with others! This is a great way to build your blog’s audience and increase exposure.
By providing a special link, visitors can add a page from your website to their social bookmark list. There are now over fifty different services available to manage social bookmarks.
If you’ve been in the blogosphere you have no doubt seen these images at the end of articles and posts.

There are icon image links to social bookmarking services. Add these icon images to the bottom of your blog posts with links.